The 90's family of a princess

The word “family” has the meaning of bonding between you and your family members. It maintains a strong connection among each one of us by caring, love, emotion and responsibilities. No doubt, sometimes we have a hot talk, but it doesn’t matter at all because “if there is love then there exists a time of grief as well”. Apart from this, the most loving relationship in a family is the father’s relationship with his beloved daughter. Becoming a Father, should be considered as a nature’s boon. But in our society, becoming a father is a big deal when you have a girl child.

The only eyes in this entire world that see a child inside you, are your parents. But in case of a girl, every year a father wishes his queen and blesses her with his enormous love, but at the same time a number of thoughts coming into his mind which he is unable to utter. Society endorses many misconceptions among each other and implants a seed of distortion in a family. You have heard a line in Indian society “Girls are foreign assets”. Think of it with a father’s perspective, how he felt when someone said this to him about a person who is like an adorable doll and to whom he has left everything and enriched her with his precious love. But even though he accepted it with a smile on his face, but he could not control his emotions when his beloved princess left him and with his blessings, she established a new world after marriage.

Yeah, we are all belong to 90’s family and I am sure you all must have had a great time with each other. An interesting yet emotional story of a father and his daughter has been completely stuck in my mind from past decades. I felt, I should share it with you so that you can conclude this story…

From childhood to adolescence, if anyone cared for her and managed penny of her desire, he is her father. He always tried to fulfil her every demand, whether he could afford it or not. And in return, he wanted a hug to forget his pain, stress and sorrow. Whenever she suffered from the disease, he was the one who broke his nap in the midnight and spare his hand on princess head to reassure himself.

Time has passed and with her fate the little doll becomes a beautiful girl. She has just completed intermediate and has got an excellent percentage. In childhood, she used to measure her father’s heartbeat with a baby stethoscope. And when anyone asked her what she wanted to be, her answer was “Doctor”. Therefore, she wants to get into medical college for further studies. But, "when it looks simple, complexity starts".

It should be noted, they belong to a mid-90’s family, where many relatives have very narrow mindset about a girl. They started trolling him for her daughter’s higher education and forced him to marry her with a rich family boy.

But in 2005, she married a boy at the age of 19. She neither wanted to say goodbye nor hug her father. But at the time of her farewell, she was splashing and sobbing inside and realized the right shoulder where she could put her head- is only her father. Tears welled up in her eyes, she grabbed her father to stop her from leaving.

But at the age of only 19, she was quite mature and ready to leave in order to maintain her father’s dignity. She had tears in her eyes, but still gave him a childish smile and mopped her father’s tears.


Yes, I agree, you blame her father for these causes, but what can he do. He doesn’t belong to a high-class family to meet the demand of the groom’s family. And he found a family that did not want dowry to marry her daughter. He thought that, this family does not marry for money, but they marry just because of my daughter. They have given importance to his daughter not his money. He thought she would be happy, lifelong.

She is now leading a happy life with one kid and loving family. But still she has to give up her father, her desire and her dream. But if we look at it the father’s perspective, he has done so for the protection of his daughter.

Dowry is like a taint in our society which has shamed humanity. In 2013, around 8083 dowry deaths were reported in India. And it causes death of a woman in every 90 minutes in India. And many cases are not even filed in the police record due to the corrupt system.


- Deepak